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Innovations- and Competence Center for RETAIL-Logistics

We combine the digital network with stationary retail. Logistikum.RETAIL is an innovation center and a meeting place for education, research and business and thus sets new national and international standards. We are your partner when it comes to a strong positioning and future appearance as a network in the retail logistics sector.

Whether for companies, start-ups or project partners, as the first network of excellence in Austria on the subject of trade logistics, you benefit from our cooperation. The aim is to promote innovations in retail, to strengthen the location and to use synergy effects together . An international level is bundled in Upper Austria through the exchange of experts.

Be part of it. Become part of our network now. Through a cooperation with Logistikum.RETAIL you can draw on the full. No matter whether you have a need for research initiatives for retail companies or retail projects, are looking for new innovations or always want to be up to date.

A long-term partnership with Logistikum.RETAIL results in numerous advantages for you:

  • Optimal use of synergy effects: due to active participation and design in various (retail) projects by several market participants
  • Competitive advantages through constant research and development work in the retail sector
  • Mutual competence transfer through the exchange of know-how and expert knowledge among each other
  • Networking of logistics systems from the retail sector
  • Efficiency advantages & cost savings through shared use of the Logistikum.RETAIL network
  • Supply chain management: Planning and optimization of logistics chains in retail
  • Education and training opportunities for employees
  • Use of a strong infrastructure and professional support for companies and start-ups

Become a Logistikum.RETAIL partner now !




International retail research in Upper Austria: The research of Logistikum.RETAIL deals with current issues of tomorrow's retail logistics in order to support retail companies. With our team, we develop solutions for the challenges of the future and work on your individual questions in projects.



Education of the future in the retail sector: The retail sector of the future needs highly trained logistics managers to meet the challenges. Logistikum.RETAIL focuses on training and further education of your employees by bundling research and education and imparting knowledge at an internationally high level.



The Retail Lab as a test environment for you: The RetailLab of Logistikum.RETAIL serves to test innovations before they are rolled out across the board in retail. Companies and researchers meet here to experiment with new technologies and innovative systems.



A creative zone for innovation and thought processes of a different kind: In the CreativeSpace, creative minds use the environment and our know-how to apply "Art Thinking" and "Design Thinking" approaches to their questions, not only among themselves but also with other institutions and actors from business, research, society and politics.

Global Retail Exchange

Global Retail Exchange

International knowledge through expert exchange in Upper Austria: The global exchange of know-how in the field of retail is of great importance for Logistikum.RETAIL. International networking with experts in the field of retail gives researchers and companies access to international expertise. This is how international experts come into your project and you gain international knowledge.



The one-stop shop for start-ups in the retail sector: support, environment, knowledge, innovations and accelerators: Retail companies are increasingly working with start-ups. Creative ideas and products can significantly change retail. Logistikum.RETAIL offers start-ups - in cooperation with the Transfer Centre of the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences - the ideal environment to bring their ideas to market maturity.